The Best Chest Pack For Shed Hunting

  • 2 min read

Shed hunting isn’t an overly tricky pursuit and doesn’t require much when it comes to specialized gear. Some decent optics, snacks, water, and a way to haul it all around. Most of my full-day shed hunts consist of 10-15 miles of hiking, depending on the terrain and the type of antlers I’m after.

Traditionally I’d carry some pack with hauling capability to lug elk antlers out of the field. These days, the need to haul 10+ elk sheds has faded a bit, primarily due to an increase in shed hunters. I increasingly leave the big pack in the truck in favor of a more minimalistic approach. The amount of sheds I find is directly correlated to the amount of country I’m able to cover, and the amount of country covered increases substantially when I’m not wearing a pack and hauling antlers. With this new approach, I’ve turned to stashing antlers to retrieve later and to carry something like a small fanny pack and a bino system.

That was until recently when I discovered the Multi Pack from Marsupial Gear. I have seen this pack marketed as a fishing pack for years but have yet to give it much thought. I use a Marsupial Bino Pack for quick, quiet access to my binoculars. However, when I saw a breakdown of how another hunter used it for turkey hunting, it clicked that this may be the perfect shed hunting pack.

One thing about shed hunting is that quick and quiet access to your binoculars falls far down the list of essential demands for a bino system, and the perks of this little hauler more than makeup for it. I can haul binos, snacks, a fire kit, electrical tape, a small camera + batteries, wipes, and other small items I need. I can also pair this chest pack with the Hydration system and maintain a lightweight setup. If I stumble upon a good pile of elk sheds, I tape them together and haul them on my shoulders to a stash spot or back to the truck.

Shed Crazy

Since I started using the Multi Pack, I’ve found many uses. Everything from hauling tools around to fixing sprinklers to extra storage when checking trail cameras. It feels like a regular Bino pack but offers much more storage. I’ll still utilize the more sleek and streamlined bino pack and accessories in most hunting situations. Still, the Chest Pack has become part of my shed hunting and everyday gear list.


Ben Dettamanti, a.k.a. Shed Crazy, is a full-time content creator, shed hunter, sportsman, and entrepreneur. His social channels are full of humor and parody, as Ben brings levity to what's often an overly serious content-space. Ben is currently on a quest to find a shed antler in each of the 50 States. Follow Ben on his Instagram and YouTube channel to get more of Ben's content.


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